
Hello, my name is Quentin Balland, 29 years old.

I am a french c++ developer currently living in Switzerland and working as a C++ software engineer.

I like software development which made me want to begin this blog and go into development experimentation while sharing it with you. With the hope I can make people learn from my experience but mostly to learn from you all and get the better of your eventual comment about my content.

I represent myself as a chocobo as I love the Final Fantasy serie plus. I got hooked into a private joke about using a rubber duck as talking partner to help you resolve your issues. I switched it into a chocobo and use it every day at work and at home 😀

I also love to draw, most of the chocobo and logo you will find on this blog are home made :p

Hope to see you on mastodon / conferences 🙂

What is this blog about? Link to heading

Hello, this blog has for purpose to display my articles and experience gotten from conferences attendance plus my personal development experimentation.

I am developping a MMORPG server game, the game in itself has no real interest, just the technologies and technique applied matters.

I am planning on writing about my thought process and why I chose those technologies, those techniques, those architecture.

But more importantly, why I keep changing my choice (because I do a lot).

Out of a Hiatus Link to heading

I did have a pretty lon hiatus on blogging this last past two years. I plan on remedy to this issue and continue blogging on a more regular basis.